"The Ballad of William Sycamore" is a fictional ballad and the ending of the story may have been designed to evoke a sense of closure or redemption. The satisfaction in the ballad's ending could be attributed to the character finding peace, resolution, or a happy conclusion to his journey or struggles.
by his horse
William Stourton - speaker - died in 1413.
William Alington - speaker - died in 1446.
Thomas Tresham - speaker - died in 1471.
Henry Smith - speaker - died in 1884.
John Cheyne - speaker - died in 1414.
John Mordaunt - speaker - died in 1505.
Robert Drury - speaker - died in 1536.
Evert Bancker - speaker - died in 1803.
Heneage Finch - speaker - died in 1631.
Edward Livingston - speaker - died in 1840.