No, Sakura does not die.
Sakura and Naruto won't die, but Sasuke might.
Sakura - mansa - died in 1300.
Sakura Sōgorō died in 1653.
Only the author knows if that will happen.
No, she does not.
No!! of course not!! everyone dies eventually so yes she dose.(hopefully some time soon). As Inner Sakura would say. I hope you die soon you bastard!
no sakura did not die NOT YET, 2/19/09. BY. Answerwolfman
She is still alive
she isn't dead.
No, Sakura is the last survivng member of team 7, as naruto points out if i cant save you sasuke, i will die with you. sakura will be left alone regretting everyday she did not tell naruto she loves him.
Sakura hasn't died in Naruto Shippuden. It's highly unlikely she'll die during the series.