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Combining both life and critical illness cover can provide protection against death and injury because you would be protected against both under the combined policy and would payout on the first event, either illness or death.

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Q: How can life and critical illness cover provide protection against both death and injury?
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Related questions

What companies provide critical illness insurance?

Many companies provide critical illness insurance, but I personally would reccommend contacting a company such as Aflac, or any company that offers insurance.

Which company can provide life insurance with critical illness?

There are many companies which provide life insurance with critical illness coverage included. Some include Sun Life Financial, Nationwide, and Great West Life.

Where can one learn about life and critical illness?

Any hospital can help you figure out life and critical illness. Simply stop in at your local hospital and speak to a counsler. They will be happy to help you. Perhaps they will even provide you with a description of your illness.

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Fuses do not provide protection against ground faults. Protection against a ground fault can be provided by breakers. If a fuse blows, it has to be replaced. If a breaker is tripped to off due to a surge in electrical current, the breaker can be reset.

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An underground aquifer would provide the best protection against a water shortage caused by drought.

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