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Well, when drowning, the lungs are being filled with water. This water replaces the necessary oxygen to keep you alive. If you take no breath, all the oxygen is used up and without oxygen...death.

Hope this helps. :)

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Q: How can drowning cause death?
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Drowning is the leading cause of death in deserts of North America.

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I have never known anyone speak of a medical term for drowning, so I will make one up for you. Water inhalation asphyxia? On a death certificate, "drowning" is a mode of death and not a cause. Therefore it would not be put on it.

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Drowning- usually while not wearing a personal flotation device.

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Drowning. Protect children around water lets stop this statistic

About how many people were killed by drowning?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2005, the United States experienced an average of ten drowning deaths per day (3,582) with an additional 710 people dying from drowning and other causes in boating-related accidents. Furthermore, the CDC reports that more than one in four fatal drowning victims are children fourteen and younger. Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in children. For more information on drowning, see the article "Dry Drowning Death Calls Attention to a Serious Problem" at the link below.

Is drowning a painful death?

It is painful