what are the top10 wage earners
As of August, 2014, the minimum wage for North Carolina is $7.25 USD. This figure became the legal minimum rate in 2009.
According to experts, the average monthly wage in the Philippines is approximately $279. This wage is ranked as one of the lowest in the world.
600.00 a year
They became tenant farmers and achieved minimum autonomy through sharecropping.
You can only conduct a wage garnishment in the state where the judgment was entered. If the debtor lives in another state, you will need to register the judgment where the debtor lives and use the laws of that state to start the wage garnishment.
He started out as a trainee shoemaker but became an itinerant Minister of Religion although did not seek wage.
Minimum wage may hurt a worker if the rate of inflation is higher than the minimum wage.
my friend from college at Georgia tech became a game programmer i think its about 1600 dollars a month
Henry bournes Higgins