

Best Answer

Yes, Two First Ladies Died Of Cancer, Pat Nixon Died In June 1993 0f Lung Cancer And Jacqueline Kennedy Died In May 1994 Of Lymphatic Cancer. Yes, Two First Ladies Died Of Cancer, Pat Nixon Died In June 1993 0f Lung Cancer And Jacqueline Kennedy Died In May 1994 Of Lymphatic Cancer.

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Q: Has a wife of a us president ever died of cancer?
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Have any top US Politicians ever died of cancer If so how may and who were they?

Died of cancer: Sen. Ted Kennedy -- brain cancer Sen. Frank Church -- pancreatic cancer Vice-President Hubert Humphrey Survived cancer -- Sen. Mike Crapo Politician's relatives with cancer: Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Sen. John Edwards Maureen Reagan, daughter of Pres. Ronald Reagan Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of Pres. John F. Kennedy Patricia Nixon, wife of Pres. Richard Nixon Nancy Reagan, wife of Pres. Ronald Reagan (still living) Betty Ford, wife of Pres. Gerald Ford Ted Kennedy, Jr., son of Sen. Ted Kennedy (still living) Eleanor Mondale, daughter of Vice President Walter Mondale Happy Rockefeller, wife of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller The mother and all three siblings of Pres. Jimmy Carter

How was Paul McCartney wife killed?

Paul's wife, Linda, died of cancer

When did alexander's wife die?

She died in 1831 of cancer

What is the best way refer to your first wife who died of cancer?

My late ex wife.

Which president shot his wife while visiting new york?

No US president ever shot his wife- I can not guess what possible president you are asking about.

How did Clive S. Lewis's wife die?

She died of cancer.

Did john f Kennedy's wife died?

Jacqueline Onassis died of a form of cancer, on May l9, l994.-In New York.

Which president had no first lady due to the fact that his wife died 19 years before he reached the white house?

VanBuren's wife died in 1819, 18 years before he became president in 1837. Jefferson's wife died in 1776, 25 years before he became president. in 1801. Arthur's wife died in 1880. about 19 months before he became president in 1881. Jackson's wife died in December, 1828, some 3 months before he became president. VanBuren seems to be the closest to being the answer to your question.

Who was the second president whose wife died in office?

President Benjamin Harrison.

What kind of cancer did C.S. Lewis' wife die from?

Joy Davidman, the wife of C.S. Lewis, died from bone cancer (specifically, metastatic breast cancer that spread to her bones).

What kind of cancer did Robert Frost wife had?

she developed breast cancer in 1937 but what she died from was heart failure in 1938

What was Martha Jefferson duties as wife of the president?

She died long before her husband was president.