Yes. In high doses it will stop breathing. In appropriate doses it is a safe medication that is used to control seizures although it has been replaced by safer medications in most situations. There are adverse side effects from long term use of safe doses
Prodrug for Phenobarbital.
Butalbital and phenobarbital are both barbiturates. It's really hard to differentiate between the two so most labs just program their machines to report everything as "phenobarbital," which is the most common downer.
The correct spelling is phenobarbital instead of phenobarbital. Phenobarbital is a sedative barbiturate drug. It is a narcotic that is typically used in the treatment of epilepsy.
Phenobarbital is classified as a barbiturate, which is a type of central nervous system depressant that is commonly used as an anticonvulsant or sedative.
Phenobarbital is not compatible with dextrose solutions like D5 as it can lead to crystallization. It is recommended to administer phenobarbital in a normal saline solution to prevent this issue.
A lavender/purple top tube is typically used for collecting blood specimens for phenobarbital level testing. This tube contains EDTA as an anticoagulant.
Phenobarbital is used in controlling seizures and relieving anxiety. The symptoms of phenobarbital dependence are the to those of chronic alcoholism. Some of these include anxiety, muscle twitching, progressive weakness, dizziness and distortion in visual field.
Typically it is used as an anti-seizure treatment.
If you are taking Phenobarbital and you are now taking fiorcet can a urine screen detect the fiorcet?
His cause of death is unknown.
Salmonella may cause death