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No; he is the god of the dead, the dead dwell in his kingdom if someone is brought back from the dead it must be asked of him before the individual is successful.

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Q: Does hades have the power to bring back the dead?
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In ancient Greek mythology does a child of Hades have the power to bring back the dead?

No; the children of Hades are the Erinyes (Furies: Alekto, Tisiphone, Megaira), Zagreus who was a child-god slayed by the Titans and then reincarnated into Dionysus, Melinoe was goddess of the offerings to the dead and ghosts, Macaria the goddess of blessed death.

What was Hades power from Greeks?

Hades is the God of the dead, the Underworld, and riches.

What is hades power?

hades power is to rule the underworld and he has it as his own rule

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A comedy by Aristophanes in which Dionysus travels to Hades to bring back the dead Tragedians. Virgil's Aeneid also has him play a part.

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His power is to bring dead people back from the underworld

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No. Dead is dead.

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Element 115 can't bring the dead back to life.

How is hades stern?

The dead do not come back (often) so Hades may be seen as "stern" in keeping those who die.

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Hades is the God of the Underworld, the dead, and riches. He has power over all the departed souls, and the ability to pass judgment on them.

What did Hades strive for?

To keep the ghosts of the dead from going back and wreaking havoc.

How do you bring dead people to life?

You can't bring people back to life if they are already dead.

Can hades make the dead people come back alive?

Hades can release souls from the Underworld if he chooses to, but he does not have the ability to give life.