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It depends on the method of hanging, and other circumstances. In many cases the noose would greatly restrict blood flow through the arteries of the neck, thus starving your brain of oxogen ... You could potentially be unconscious in under 15 seconds. But the moments leading up to that would be necessarily painful.

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Q: Does getting hung on a noose hurt?
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Use the word noose in a sentence?

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What does it mean to get the wood over someone?

When being hung in the gallows there would be a wooden frame that the noose's are tied to. So when someone is being hung, wood is over them.

What does it mean when someone is hung by the noose?

Well a noose was a form of punishment that killed someone by hanging them from the neck. It was also a means to mock them because a crowd would gather to watch the struggle and eventual death.

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Who was hanged in England?

Guy Fawkes. (Roman Catholic who tried to blow up Parliament) He was sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered (half hung, bowels ripped out and body chopped into 4 pieces) but cheated the hangman by jumping off the scaffold with the noose round his neck and breaking his neck.

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noose is good for a fishing knot

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