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Q: Does death benefit include paid-up additions?
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What life insurance option allows someone to apply dividends to the policy to increase the death benefit?

The option to increase the death benefit with dividends is called "paid-up additions". If you select "paid-up additions" then dividends will purchase additional death benefit which will increase the total death benefit of the policy. This will also increase the cash value of the policy.

The monthly benefit available for long term care in an accelerated death benefit is what percent of the life insurance policy's face value?

The benefit for long-term care in an accelerated death benefit may range from one-fourth up to all of your funds in the death benefit. There are other factors that determine the amount, which may include the state where you are located and terms of contract. You also have the option to receive the benefit via lump sum or monthly.

What is increasing death benefit?

That is where the death benefit in a life policy increases over a period of time.

Is the 250 dollar death benefit taxable?

The 250 death benefit from the SSA is not taxable income.

Which life insurance riders would add no additional cost to a life insurance policy?

Some carriers include the following riders in a life insurance policy, without any additional cost: - Accelerated benefit rider (partial benefit paid in case of terminal illness) - Accidental death benefit (additional benefit in case of accidental death) - Waiver of premium (most companies will charge extra premium for this rider).

What percentage of people with life insurance actually receive death benefit?

"Usually, a person has life insurance on himself. In that case, he would not receive the death benefit but his stated beneficiaries will receive the death benefit. " Can you answer the question : how many Whole life / Universal Life/ Cah Value pilicies pay death benefit to beneficiaries?

How does a tornado benefit the world?

Tornadoes do not benefit the world. The bring destruction, death, and trauma.

How are accidental death benefits paid out when they double?

If your life insurance death benefit is for $100,000 and you have a 100,000 accidental death benefit rider and you die in an accident then your policy would pay $200,000.

What is an increasing death benefit option?

The death benefit options may vary depending upon the type of life insurance purchased and the available policy provisions. A basic death benefit will provide a face amount or specified amount that remains level throughout the period of coverage. Other death benefit options provide for an increasing death benefit that includes a specified amount in addition to the accumulated cash value in the policy. Another type of death benefit option may provide for a return of premium payments in addition to the specified amount of coverage. See link for source

What is the Annuity walk away benefit?


Does deferred compensation become non- taxable after death of employee?

Many deferred compensation plans have a death benefit/life insurance element. Typically the death benefit insurance is paid for by the employer. In most situations the company does not take an expense for this and the employee does not take it into income, therefor the benefit is being paid for with dollars that have not been taxed. Thus making the death benefit taxable to the beneficiary.

Does my auto insurance have to pay a death benefit to survivors if a one car accident causes a death?

The term "death benefit" refers to a payment made as a result of a life insurance policy. In the case of car insurance, if there is a lawsuit for wrongful death, and a payment is ordered by the court, then the car insurance will pay. That is not exactly the same thing as a death benefit even though it is a payment made as a result of a death.