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Accidental life insurance only pays if you die by direct bodily injury and that no other prior or existing conditions contribute to your death.

So accidental life insurance will not pay if you have cancer. Consumers should avoid getting this product at all cost and get traditional life insurance such as term life insurance that will pay no matter how you die.

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Q: Does accidental life ins pay on cancer?
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If a person dies from lung cancer, the accidental life should still pay.


Accidental insurance does not pay if you die of lung cancer.

Will accidental life insurance pay if you get sick and die?

Accidental Life or commonly known as AD (Accidental Death) Policies will not pay if the cause of death is illness.

What is the difference between accidental death life insurance and regular life insurance?

Usually the only difference between accidental death life insurance and regular life insurance is the name, although sometimes an accidental death life insurance will pay out more money if the death is accidental.

Will accidental life insurance payout if aneurysm?

No, it will not pay. An aneurysm is not an accident.


If you have accidental insurance then it will pay, if not it won't.

In what circumstances would accidental death and dismemberment insurance pay if death followed cancer?

Accidental death and dismemberment insurance would generally not pay out in the case of death following cancer, as it specifically covers only accidents such as car crashes, falls, or other unexpected events. Since cancer is typically considered an illness rather than an accident, it usually falls outside the scope of coverage for this type of insurance.

Does life insurance pay for accidental drug overdose?

It depends on the policy and the specific circumstances surrounding the accidental drug overdose. Some life insurance policies may have exclusions for deaths resulting from drug overdoses, especially if the overdose was intentional or related to substance abuse. It is important to review the terms and conditions of the policy to determine if accidental drug overdose is covered.

How are accidental death benefits paid out when they double?

If your life insurance death benefit is for $100,000 and you have a 100,000 accidental death benefit rider and you die in an accident then your policy would pay $200,000.

What is the difference between accidental death and dismemberment insurance and life insurance?

If I understand it correctly, Accidental Death and Dismembermant Insurance will pay ONLY if you lose a limb or are killed in an accident. Life Insurance pays when you die, regardless of how you die.

Does accidental insurance pay for chocking?


With a company life insurance policy for your spouse if he dies and you both owe back taxes to the IRS can the company take the money to pay the IRS before you get the payout from the life ins co?

No, if you are the beneficiary of the policy you will receive the money in full from the ins company, not the employer. If the employer is the beneficiary and they have an agreement to pay you a specific amount from the death benefit then yes they can. But this is rare. If it is just a regular company offered group life ins policy your contract is with the life ins company, not the employer. So the employer has nothing to do with the process of you being paid. You will receive a check from the ins co as soon as they receive the death certificate. But the IRS can take the money from your bank account....they will always find a way to get what they say is owed to them!