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No, a death rattle means you ARE dead.

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Q: Does a death rattle mean your going to die?
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Morte means Death, Going to Die, In Trouble

Why do you hear a death rattle just before people die?

Death rattle is a gurgling or rattling sound sometimes made in the throat of a dying person, caused by loss of the cough reflex and passage of the breath through accumulating mucus.

Do dogs have the death rattle like humans?

Yes they do I Just watch my Dog Cubby 2 1/2 yrs old die on Dec 3 and he let out the death rattle right before he let out his last breath . it was the worst sound in the world and I can't get it out of my head

Because a thought has come into your head about dying does this mean that it is going to happen to you sooner than later?

Dying is a natural conclusion to everyone's life. We all die, and it is common for people to have thoughts of death at random times. Even if you have regular "visions" of death, it does not necessarily mean you are going to die any time soon. Death in dreams is usually interpreted as an ending not an actual death.

Are we going to die?

Each of us will die when it is our time. We can not run from death.

When is Chuck Norris going to die?

No Chuck Norris is never going to die due to the fact death is afraid of Chuck Norris. If it comes within 100 feet of him, death will die.

What does Contempt for death mean?

Well contempt means to despise so despise death I think To me it doesn't mean just despising death. It means completely embracing the fact you are going to die. Which then takes a lot of the fear and power away from death and therefore, ironically, sets you free.

What does brink of death mean?

if you're on the brink of death you're about to die

Do people make a grugling sound before they die?

Often referred to as a "death rattle," this will not be exhibited by everyone who dies. Death rattles, or the gurgling, comes from air moving through the throat, sometimes as a person is dying, as well as after.

What does it mean if your head and chest hurts and its hard to breath?

u are going to die a painfull death and it will hurt sooo bad u will cry wen u die it will be the worst pain ever

What does cowards die many times before their deaths mean?

What he is trying to say is that the Horror of death lies in the fear and trepidation when you are expecting to die. Cowards experience this every time they think they are going to die and get scared. They are worse off than the courageous people who only feel the pain of death when they actually die.