

Does Emile die in reach

Updated: 12/18/2022
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13y ago

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Yes. In the last mission (Pillar of Autumn) he is on a cannon defending the Pillar Autumn from invading Covenant forces. Two Elites disembark from a Phantom and jump onto Emile's cannon. One Elite gets onto the cockpit of the cannon, but Emile blasts it in the face with he signature shotgun. He gets out of the cockpit and yells, "Who's next?!". After he yells that, the second Elite from out of nowhere jumps behind him. The Elite picks Emile up by the left shoulder and shoves an energy sword through Emile's back and out of his stomach. Emile, in response, spins around with the Energy sword still in his back and yells, "I guess it's you!", and punches it in the face. The Elite and Emile fall off of the cannon, both of them dieing. You can hear Emile groan in agony after he falls off.

My XBOX Live GamerTag(s) if you have any questions: AarHornfdV, ChillaKartoffel.

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