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Properly cited, I can't imagine they would take issue with a few lines appearing. The monument manufacturer most likely has experience with this issue.

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Q: Do you need permission to quote Gershwin lyrics on a tombstone?
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Am I allowed to quote song lyrics in my novel?

You may quote a snippet of the lyrics in the novel. But you may not write the whole song in the book without permission from the copyright holder.

Can you get permission to use part of the lyrics of the song Ain't Misbehaving in your novel?

The song "Ain't Misbehavin" was composed by Fats Waller in 1929, and has entered the public domain; you are free to quote from it in your novel.

What do you put when you quote something from a song?

When quoting lyrics from a song, you should use quotation marks around the lyrics and provide the songwriter's name, the song title, and the album it's from. If you're quoting a significant portion of the lyrics, it's also recommended to seek permission or check if the use falls under fair use guidelines.

How do you get permission to quote?

If you want to quote from a certain version of the Bible you can do a few sentences or verses. If you quote a lot of it then you must contact the publisher of that Bible. See the front of the Bible for where to locate the company. They are on the web too. If you wish to quote an author you need to contact that author's publisher for permission. If you wish to quote a speaker you need to contact the speaker directly through a letter or an email. Look for a website for that speaker. Always get the permission in writing. Record their permission in your book and put the written document in a special file folder.

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Email the newspaper, explaining the purpose of your intended quotation, and ask for permission.

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You'd need to say who it is by or quote some lyrics for an answer

Are lyrics and quotes the same?

No, lyrics and quotes are not the same thing. Lyrics are the words that are intended to be sung in a particular song, accompanied by some specific musical composition. A quotation is any repetition of something that had previously been said by someone else. Here is an example. The other day I was talking to my friend Jim, and he told me "I don't like the way the Republican Party is conducting this campaign." The statement inside the quotation marks is a quotation. It is, of course, possible to quote lyrics. But it is also possible to quote lots of things that are not lyrics. Edit: To quote is the verb; to quote, quotation is the noun; a quotation :)

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No, you cannot quote words from a magazine or article without permission as it can be a violation of copyright laws. It is important to seek permission from the author or publisher before using their words in your own work.

Where do you find Charlie Murphy's address to request permission to quote? his management firm

How can you search for the song using only the lyrics?

Put a quote in google in quotations, then write lyrics and hit enter. Be sure the lyrics you heard are the actual lyrics, u'll get better results leaving words out than putting the wrong ones in.

Can i quote from Lady Chatterley's Lover w o permission is copyright still on?

You should be able to quote things that Lady Chatterley's lover has said without copyright permission. However when quoting this you will have to make sure that you put how said it and do not claim it as your own.

Can you give someone permission to plagiarize your work with out them giving credit?

You may give them permission to quote your work without crediting you or citing it, but this does not make it ethical, moral, or legal.