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Q: Do people forget things after they are unconscious?
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Why do most people forget things easily?

because they are fat and dumb

Why people forgetful?

People forget because of a central nervous system the subjecgated by the conglomerous makes people forget about past events. This is why we forget our childhood for instince. This is all very simple. BECAUSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE we forget cause sometimes we have to many things to remember in our brain

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Why do people not remember every thing?

People just forget things alot.Even when it has been a long or a short time.

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Do you believe that people have an unconscious mind If so how does it affect thoughts feelings and behaviors?

The things people think affect their reactions and they don't think about he outcome with not having a clear mind.

Why people do certain things burn?

to forget about them so they can live there lives without the bad memories

is forgot a noun?

forgot is a verb because you can forget to do something.

How does unconscious mind affect thoughts and feelings and behavior?

The things people think affect their reactions and they don't think about he outcome with not having a clear mind.

When do you tend to forget God?

People are most likely to forget God: When things are going well When they're in the presence of mockers or disbelievers When they're too busy and distracted

Do unconscious people shiver if cold?

Unconscious individuals may shiver if they are cold, as shivering is a reflex action controlled by the brainstem. However, some unconscious people may not shiver due to their altered state of consciousness affecting the body's response to cold. It's essential to provide appropriate care to prevent hypothermia in unconscious individuals.

Does TV make people forget things?

depends on whet they are watching, TV can also help you learn