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Roman Catholics and Eastern Catholic acknowledge the authority of the Pope as God's vicar on earth, and profess the points of the Nicene Creed, as interpreted by their own traditions.

Pentecostals, and Baptists - together with all other Protestant denominations - also hold dear the doctrines of the Creed, but reject the authority of the Pope.

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15y ago
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10y ago

Baptist's are Christians and therefore they believe that those who have turned from their sins and have believed in the gospel message of Jesus (Jesus' death on the cross for the sins of the world, and His resurrection) will spend eternity in heaven with God. Those who refuse to believe will be separated from God for eternity in hell.

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14y ago

Honestly, not much.

But, Pentecostals, COGs, Holiness Pentecostals praise and worship extremely different than most Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists.

Shouting, Dancing, Running, is not uncommon in Pentecostal churches, and they believe in Heaven they will continue this as the scriptures state, because they will have no other cares of life. Jesus is/will be their life.

On the other hand, Baptists worship more so in a calmly, ritual, manner and believe Heaven will be more Blissful and Smoothly going.

Although, you cannot judge on denomination alone. I have encountered shouting Baptists and boring Pentecostals. I would suggest living Holy and living the way you feel God has called you. Then, find out when you die.

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13y ago

Pentecostals do believe in life after death.

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