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Dose my mother have to pay for my late fathers hospital bill from the auto accident that killed him?

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Q: Do i have to pay for my dead husbands hospital bills with the insurance money?
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What Should you Do with your husbands life insurance money?

If you do not need the money to live on immediately, invest for yourself and off-springs retirement. If immediate use, payoff as many bills as possible, ex home note, cars, credit cards, medical bills. That way you have a homestead to leave children and least bills to deal with as you get older.

Why do you have insurance?

Occasionally people have car wrecks or sudden hospitalizations. Most of them do not have the ability to get the money needed to pay to get the car fixed or to replace the car. Most do not have the money to pay the hospital charges. If enough people put enough money into insurance, then when one wrecks a car or one gets sick, there will be money to pay the bills.

If you are a passenger in a car crash and the driver has full coverage are you entitled to money for days missed at work hospital bills and pain?

In most cases yes the other person's insurance company is liable for paying loss wages, all medical bills, and other costs. This is providing that the other person has insurance.

Can you loose your house if you don't have health insurance and need to go to the hospital?

That depends on how much your bills run, your ability to pay them and how far the provider wants to go in order to collect the money that you owe to him/her.

Do car insurance give you the money to medical bills?

If you have medical payments in your insurance. Liability only does not pay medical benefits. And the medical bills have to be the result of an auto accident.

What is hospital indemninty insurance?

Hospital Indemninty insurance is money that is set aside to cover any costs if a hospital employee messes up during any operations that take place during a hostpital stay.

How much money do they take for overdue hospital bills if you win lottery?

If you win sufficient money hopefully you would be honourable enough to pay outstanding bills without being ordered to do so.

If your car insurance carrier paid your medical bills after an accident and the at fault insurance company paid you can your insurance carrier come after you for the money?

yes and they usually do.

Can money that you owe to a hospital in the US be traced to you if you were just?

Yes, outstanding debts to a hospital in the US can be traced back to you through billing information, insurance records, and your personal information provided during treatment. It is important to address any outstanding medical bills to avoid potential financial and legal consequences.

Can you contest the beneficiary on your husbands life insurance?

No, you can get him to change the beneficiary and then the money that is claimed will be yours if it has been changed by your husband to your name.

What is the place where you register and pay money in a hospital called?

your answer is within the question "Registration" is where you sign in, provide proof of insurance, and pay money.

Why do teachers have a reputation of being cheap?

Teachers get a lot of money at the beginning of the school but all that money goes to bills,insurance,food,etc.