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Most under the collapse probobly did. Some, in the floors above the impact, dies slowley from smoke inhalation.

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Q: Did the people in wtc die instantly?
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How many people were killed in the attack at the WTC?

2,799 people died in the wtc attack.

When a whale is killed by the Japanese does it die instantly?

No the whales dont die instantly and may suffer for up to an hour

What is WTC?

WTC is what World Trade Center stands for.

What was the WTC made of?

the wtc was made of glass and steel

When was WTC View created?

WTC View was created in 2005.

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You do not die instantly, however, it is a matter of only a couple minutes before you would pass out and bleed to death.

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because it is a mostly painless way to die because it breaks the victims neck and kills them instantly

How many people died in Tower 1?

2,606 people died in Tower 1 during the September 11 attacks in 2001.

What would happen if people chewed tobacco?

They would die. Not instantly if your lucky you might start off with oral cancer!

How may people were killed at the world trade center?

2,606 were killed at the World Trade Center (WTC) on 9/11. This includes the people at the WTC, firefighters, police officers and the people on the airplanes that struck the towers.

What really happened to WTC 7?

WTC 7 was destroyed by controled demolition just as the WTC. Two witnesses claim that explosives were in the world trade center 7. BBC reported WTC 7 destroyed 7 minutes before it came down who ever said rubble from WTC destroyed WTC 7 made is one of the worset liar's in amairica

Why do some people die with open eyes and some with closed eyes?

I think when you die with open eyes you have been instantly killed. But if you were killed slowly, you would die with your eyes closed.