We prepared the body for burial. They held a burial ceremony for his mother. Everyone was sorrowful at the burial ceremony.
During a U.S. Navy burial at sea ceremony, the deceased person's remains are placed in a weighted casket, draped with the American flag. The casket is then slid off a ship into the sea, usually accompanied by a rifle salute and the playing of Taps. This ceremony honors and pays tribute to the individual's service in the Navy.
Leon and ken prepare Trefoil's body for burial with a special ceremony
Armstrong's cremated remains were scattered in the Atlantic Ocean on September 14, 2012 during a burial-at-sea ceremony aboard the USS Philippine Sea.
Leon and ken
The noun forms of the verb to bury are burial and the gerund, burying, both are concrete nouns as words for a physical action.The noun 'burial' is an abstract noun as a word for a ceremony surrounding a formal interment of a body.
The opening of the mouth ceremony, offering of food, weighing of the heart, burial ceremony
# The burial procession accompanying a body to the grave.An end or a cessation of existence. A ceremony or group of ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person. Archaic. The eulogy delivered or the sermon preached at such a ceremony.
Neil Armstrong died on August 25, 2012 at age 82. On September 14, 2012, Armstrong's cremated remains were scattered in the Atlantic Ocean during a burial-at-sea ceremony aboard the USS Philippine Sea