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It depends on how sharp the chopstick is. If the chopstick is pretty sharp, then you could kill someone if you hit the person in the jugular vein. If it is a dull chopstick, then you can't really kill someone unless it is projected at hundreds of miles an hour, just like a bullet.

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Q: Can you use chopsticks to kill people?
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Why did they use chopsticks?

People used chopsticks because they were easy and cheap to produce and buy.

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What do people use to eat meals?

Japanese people use chopsticks to eat their food.

Why do china people use chopsticks?

because they dont use forks

What do Japanese people eat chopsticks with?

Japanese people do NOT eat chopsticks. They eat with chopsticks. As western people eat their food with a knife, fork and spoon, many Asian cultures use chopsticks in place of the western cutlery. This requires the food to be prepared in 'byte' sized portions by the kitchen.

What do people from Japan use to eat?

The more traditional ones use chopsticks.

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What are chopsticks?

Chopsticks are 2 sticks that people eat with,

What was the purpose of chopsticks?

You can use chopsticks to pick up food with your two chopsticks. Also if you are making are drum, you can use your own chopsticks or you can buy them at your local supermarket store or a two dollar shop. Mostly Asian use chopsticks. You can go to Asian restaurant too eat with a chopstick. By Nintendogs117.

How did ancient Chinese people use rice?

they used chopsticks which was made out of wood

What do people use to eat many of Japanese meals?

The Japanese and other people use chopsticks for many of Japanese meals.