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NO, maybe if you drank it or used a million sharpies on you. :)

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Q: Can you die if you write on yourself with marker?
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Is it healthy to write on yourself with marker?

no it can give you cancer

What happens when you write on yourself with marker?

You can just wash it off in the bath or shower.

Can a snake die if you write on it with marker?

Possibly. Please don't do that.

Will you die if you write on yourself?


How do you write on your photos?

Well, you can take a sharp marker (preferbably a Sharpie marker) and write whatever you want on your photo.

What do you write on cds with?

Permanent Marker

Is there such thing as a marker that can write on wax candles?

There is no marker that can be used to write on candles. However, markers can be used to write on certain papers which are then wrapped around decorative candles.

When did Russell Earl Marker die?

Russell Earl Marker died in 1995.

When did Gus Marker die?

Gus Marker died on 1997-10-07.

Can you die from permanent marker?

No, all permanent marker's on the market today are none toxic.

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Can you write on a CD r with a perminent marker?

Yes, you can..