No because I'm not dead yet. Plus, you could always switch it around and get high iron by eating the right foods.
blood transfusion and low iron
because the main problem is not about having iron deficiency but having a low level of red blood cells in the blood.
Having enough iron may help you lose weight as opposed to having low iron serum levels. Iron is essential to your body for making hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a transporter of oxygen in your body. So, the more iron, the more hemoglobin which will increase oxygen transport and thus the breakdown of complex sugars, which are carbohydrates. So, yes it can help boost your metabolism.
maybe, you can die if your iron is low. And you can pass out. Many peopled in up in hospitals because of low iron. But, it good to eat ice if your on a diet.
you may not die but it will help deteriorate your health because iron is important as of being in the blood and low iron can cause anemia and anemia can cause hair loss,cold and chills and calcium defieciency
Yes it is possible. Iron is a major building block in building red blood cells. If there is no iron available to build RBC you become anemic. Eventually you dint gave enough cells to carry oxygen to you cells and organs. Without the oxygen the cells due, which can lead to death eventually .
I think you should be albe to get a excuse for your low iron cause I know how it is i have low iron to and its hard to do things.
waht is the sideeffects of low iron serum....
Low iron levels can be seen in patients with anemia or chronic disease. Mostly people with chronic kidney disease will have low iron levels. Iron deficiency anemia is another condition with low iron levels. This can be treated with iron supplement. Fatigue and weakness is the most common symptoms people present when they have low serum iron levels.
pig iron or cast iron having 4.5% carbon as an impurity wroght iron having 0.15% of carbon steel having 1% carbon
It means your iron levels are low. If can cause dizziness and fatigue. You should take extra iron and seek to address the cause of the low iron.