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Possibly... if it is badly infected and the infection travels to the heart. This is somewhat unusual, however.

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Q: Can toothache cause death
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Can codeine sulphate cause mouth tingling and toothache?

I was wondering that myself. It does seem to cause some toothache for me and sometimes makes me grind my teeth for some reason.

What are the injuries cavities cause?

The cavity could expose the nerve, and cause toothache.

Can alcoholic cause toothache?

No, unless you drink a lot and don't brush your teeth.

How long does a toothache last?

A toothache can last for weeks or months until you visit a dentist. Orajel tooth desentisizer is very good on toothaches.The natural course for an untreated toothache caused by a cavity or other decay is: bad ---> worse ----> abscess --->death. This is generally viewed as bad. Inserting a visit to he dentist early in the sequence can avoid the abscess/death part.

What does the raven flying away have to do with Beowulfs toothache?

The raven flying away symbolizes death or impending doom, which contrasts with the temporary nature of Beowulf's toothache. Beowulf's toothache serves to highlight his mortality and vulnerability, while the raven's departure foreshadows deeper, more fatal consequences in the story.

Is the treatment different for persistent toothache and intermittent toothache?

When talking about a toothache , the best person who can answer all your concern is the dentist.

When was The Alligator's Toothache created?

The Alligator's Toothache was created in 1962.

Can z-pak be used for toothache?


Can you still undergo surgery if you have a toothache?

Yes if you have a toothache can they still do sergury inside your mouth?

If you have a toothache does it effect the ears?

Yes, usually when you have a toothache because of the nerves it does affect the ear.

How did the tudors cure a toothache?

by saying jesus christ for mercy sake take away this toothache