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A heart murmur is a symptom of an illness. You need to find the underlying cause. The underlying cause may cause death

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Q: Can people die from heart murmer?
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Does a heart murmur affect heart rate?

Depending if it is a systolic or diastolic murmer, it could effect your heart rate do to lack of o2 throughout the heart and body.

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Ask your vet

Why do people have different heart rates?

Heart rates very in different people depending on a number of factors like obesity, age, heart conditions, fitness level etc.These factors effect how fast the blood must flow to get to the muscles. Also the different activities you are doing will change your heart rates.

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Amoxicillin - A semisynthetic penisilin. It prevents infections. Taken by people who have had a heart murmer history. Used by others for numerous reasons. diazolam

Can a woman with a heart murmur have a baby?

Yes, I know they can because the chromosomes are not affected by the murmer.

If a horse has a heart murmer is it born with it?

yes it can be present at birth. It can also come on in later life due to leaking valves or narrowing of valves

Is a heart attack the most common way that people die?

most people die through a heart attack

What of do most people die from?

Most people die from heart disease

Can heart defects kill?

Yes, heart defects can kill. A heart defect is a structural abnormality in the heart. It makes the heart inefficient. The heart has to work harder to sustain life. The heart wears out or enlarges from being overworked. It might not be enough to oxygenate the body to sustain life. Most babies are born with an Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). This is an extra pathway in the heart for the fetus. Around 10 days, this PDA closes. Without this extra pathway, some defective hearts are unable to sustain life. Surgery or medicines are required to save the life. Alternately, some heart defects are benign. A Still's Murmer is a heart murmer that can only be detected when the patient is horizontal. It has no known ill effects.

What long-term effects on the heart would result from a damaged valve?

A damaged heart valve can lead to complications such as heart failure, arrhythmias, and increased risk of infective endocarditis. Over time, it can also cause enlargement of the heart chambers and reduced overall heart function.

What percent of Americans die due to heart disease?

Around 25% of people die. About 49% of all Americans are at risk 600,000 people die due to heart disease per year.

Can you die from heart murmer?

It depends. It depends on how serious the heart defect causing the murmur is, and it depends alot of how strong the drug is. But taking a stimulant drug can definitely put stress on your heart, and if your heart can handle that extra stress, boom- it can't pump blood into its own muscle, and the muscle quickly dies and starts turning black. Then the heart can't pump and your brain and other organs begin to die too. People have definitely died from heart attacks caused by speed/ecstacy, and cocaine. You know ecstacy basically has speed in it, right?