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Most life insurance carriers have a 2 year "suicide clause" that protects them paying benefits from a policy whose owner killed himself. The state of issue has nothing to do with it, only the time period the carrier sets.

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Q: Can my beneficiary collect life-insurance benefits after my suicide in Pa?
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Can your beneficiary collect life-insurance benefits after your suicide in massachusetts?

No, suicide is an exclusion where a death benefit is concerned.

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Can a beneficiary collect life insurance benefits after a suicide in NJ?

If the insurance policy is older than two years of contestability period, then a benefit will be paid to the beneficiary.

Can your beneficiary collect benefits from your insurance policy if you commit suicide?

Your beneficiary can collect benefits from your insurance policy if you commit suicide if, 1. Your policy provisions for payout in the event of suicide. 2. Your waiting period has been satisfied if stipulated by your insurance carrier and policy. Read your policy carefully and contact your policy carrier for assistance and clarity as it relates to your policy.

Can you collect life insurance benefits after a suicide?

If you are the beneficiary of a life insured person who committed suicide, and the policy was older that two years (depending on what company and state), then yes.

Can your beneficiary collect life insurance benefits after your suicide in the state of ohio?

No. I don't think suicide is not covered by any insurance policy in any state/country. Suicide is willful and intentional killing of oneself and no insurance company will cover it. So, your beneficiary will not get even a single penny if you commit suicide.

Can your beneficiary collect life-insurance benefits if spouse commits suicide in California?

That depends on the policy not the location. Most policies have a 2 year exclusion on suicide. After 2 years, suicide should also be covered. Consult your policy.

Can your beneficiary collect life insurance benefits after your suicide in Virginia?

Generally no life insurer entertains payment against suicidal death.Hope, this will clear any ambiguity in this regard.

Can your beneficiary collect life insurance benefits after your suicide in the state of Tennessee?

No, if the life insurance policy is less than two years old. Some insurance companies would not pay at all in case of suicide. It all depends on the conditions in the life insurance policy.

Can you collect insurance benefits if your spouse commits suicide?

Generally, insurance policies exclude suicide. Check with your insurance company, as they are all different.

What is the Suicide clause?

It means that if you kill yourself in the 1st 2 years of the policy, that you don't collect the benefits.