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Your mother's estate must be probated in order for the title to the real estate to vest in her children. You are not the legal owners. Until you are the legal owners any rental agreement or lease agreement you sign will be unenforceable. Any insurance proceeds in the case of a fire or other loss would be paid in her name. You couldn't cash the check.

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Q: Can me and my sibling rent out deceased mother's house that is deeded in her name only?
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What rights do you have as senior sibling on the sale of your mothers house?

There are none unless it's stated in a will, and or the senior sibling has power of attorney.

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What if there was a will and the house was deeded to the wife what about the contents of the house?

Is there taxable income on money received from the sale of a deceased sibling's house?

That depends on the laws of the county in which you and or your sibling reside. In some countries there is an inheritance tax that may have to be paid.

Can the Owner get deeded house back?

The owner of a deeded home can get the home back if the home is in his or her name. The taxes must be paid on a deeded home in order for it be a clear deed.

Can a child inherit a mothers house if deceased step father's name is still on the deed?

In the event the step father is deceased, yes. But, you will need a copy of the death certificate showing that he is in fact deceased. Also you will need to know if he had a will that willed the property to someone else.

How do i change my deceased mother's house over to my sisters?

You will need to talk to the executor of your mother's Will. If this is you, you will need to see whom the house is willed to - if it is your sisters, a decent estate lawyer can draw up the paperwork relatively quickly. If there is no Will, or the house is otherwise deeded or has a lien on it, things will get complicated quickly and you will need to contact an estate lawyer.

What are the consequences of selling your mothers house which is becoming a financial burden as deeded owners with a life estate in place while she is still living but in a nursing home and you are th?

Do you have Power of Attorney for her? If not, consult a real estate attorney. Something can be worked out.

Is deeded a word?

No, deeded is not a word whoever asked this question because deeded is already pural. Of course "deeded" is a word. The asker is referring to the verb "deed", not the noun "deed" hence its pluraliity has no bearing as a verb cannot be plural. "The grandfather deeded his house to his grandson."

If you buy a house and the land is deeded do you own the land?

Yes. In fact, you are actually buying the land and the house is attached to it.

Life estate Mothers real property lives there has 2 children deeded half ea. Who has to pay the property taxes while mother is alive and living in the house Could she have reversed the Life Estate?

who evers name is on the deed is legally responsible

Your grandmother is a cosigner on your mothers house and your mother is now deceased is your grandmother now the owner?

Signing on a note is not the same as being on the deed. She certainly has a claim on the property, particularly if she helped pay the mortgage.

Can a sibling in prison stop another sibling from selling parents house?

yes cause they can call collect