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No. A prudent buyer will want proof that you are the owner of the real estate. If you owned the property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship with your husband the only proof that you are the surviving owner is a death certificate or a probate proceeding allowed by the probate court. You need to record a death certificate in the land records to clear the title. In some states you also need to record some proof there are no inheritance taxes due.

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Q: Can a surviving spouse sell property as a widow without proof of death?
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You need to check your particular state laws. In a community property state each spouse owns a one-half share of the marital property. In some states a spouse can dispose of their interest by their will to someone other than their surviving spouse.Upon the death of one spouse state laws vary on intestate (without a will) inheritance. In some, the surviving spouse inherits their deceased spouse's share if there are children of the marriage. In some the surviving spouse receives only a half of that share if there are children by a former marriage. In Louisiana the share of a deceased spouse in community property passes to their estate if they had children but the surviving spouse can use the property until death or remarriage. If the deceased had no children the community property passes to the surviving spouse.People who own property in a community property state should consult with an attorney about estate planning. If you are a surviving child then you should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law.

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The answer is somewhat complicated.Community PropertyAll property acquired during a marriage is presumed to be community property. Under Texas laws, if you are married and are survived by a spouse and children, then:Your surviving spouse will inherit all your community property if all your children are also the children of your surviving spouse;Otherwise, all your one-half interest in the community estate will pass to your children, with your spouse keeping only his or her one-half interest.If you do not have any children, then your surviving spouse will inherit all of your community property.Separate PropertyIf your property is characterized as separate property, the distribution scheme is different:If you are survived a spouse and children, your surviving spouse is entitled to one third of your separate personal property and only a life estate (the right to use the property until his or her death) in one-third of your separate real property. The rest would be inherited outright by the children of the deceased spouse.If you are married but have no children or other descendants, your surviving spouse would be entitled to all the separate personal property. But if you have surviving parents and siblings, the surviving spouse would only be entitled to one-half of the separate real property with the other half passing to the parents, siblings or descendants of siblings in a manner set forth by the statutes.

What happens to jointly owned property in a non-community property state in the event of the death of a spouse?

If the real property is owned as tenants by the entirety or joint tenants with the right of survivorship the interest of the decedent automatically passes to the surviving spouse and they need to do nothing except record a death certificate in the land records.

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In Arizona, if a spouse dies without a will, their assets will typically pass to the surviving spouse. If there are no surviving children or descendants, the surviving spouse will likely inherit the entire estate. If there are children or descendants from a previous relationship, the estate may be divided between the surviving spouse and the children or descendants.

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If the married couple lived in a community property state at the time of the spouse's death, the surviving spouse may be responsible for the lease debt even if she was not an account holder. If the couple did not live in a community property state the creditor will be required to file a claim against the estate of the deceased to try to recover the debt.

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