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If the life insurance policy had listed as the beneficiary the spouse only then it is not considered part of the estate and is not subject to claims. If the beneficiary is the estate then it is subject to claims. The only problem with the spouse being the only beneficiary is if she was a party to the claims personally then perhaps she and the proceeds from the life insurance could be subject to these claims.

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Q: Can a claim on your dead husbands estate also include life insurance to spouse?
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Technically the estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased. The spouse, through the estate, has to pay off the debts.

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The estate will normally be responsible. The spouse will indirectly pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

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No. The check must be endorsed by whomever the check is made out to. This will be the insured on the policy. If the spouse was not the named insured on the policy then she cannot legally endorse the check unless he gives her power of attorney or if he is deceased and she is designated as administrator of the estate by the court.

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The estate will be responsible, so it would be a good idea to open one. The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

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No, an ex-spouse can't collect a deceased husbands insurance if the first wife is listed as beneficiary even if the fist wife is now deceased. The money will go to the beneficiary's heirs.

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The estate has the primary responsibility. Depending on the insurance, they may also have a responsibility.

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The estate is probably responsible unless the will says otherwise. In most cases the person making the arrangement will have to pay for the funeral and ask the estate to reimburse them.

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In Virginia the estate will be responsible. The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

In California if a person is deceased who is responsible for medical debt?

The estate is responsible. It may become part of the spouse's responsibilities depending on the insurance and the estate.

Is wife responsible for dead husbands medical bills in Florida?

The spouse is not directly responsible, unless they have co-signed for the services. The estate is responsible for settling all medical bills in Florida. So before the spouse can inherit anything, the estate has to pay the bills.

Is wife responsible for dead husbands medical bills in Oregon?

The spouse is not directly responsible, unless they have co-signed for the services. The estate is responsible for settling all medical bills in Oregon. So before the spouse can inherit anything, the estate has to pay the bills.