What causes polymicrogyria?
Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a condition characterized by abnormal
development of the brain before birth. The surface of the brain
normally has many ridges or folds, called gyri. In people with
polymicrogyria, the brain develops too many folds, and the folds
are unusually small.
Polymicrogyria can affect part of the brain or the whole brain.
The signs and symptoms associated with polymicrogyria depend on how
much of the brain, and which particular brain regions, are
Researchers have identified multiple forms of polymicrogyria.
Individuals with polymicrogyria can enjoy a fulfilling, rich life
with range of abilities, feelings, talents and interests, but also
face physical and cognitive challenges related to PMG. Since each
presentation of PMG is unique to the individual, a physician with
experience treating PMG is the best resource for information about
prognosis and treatment.
(Material sourced from: The National Institute of Health - U.S.