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Q: Are trees preserved by mummification if they were buried under volcanic ash?
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How are trees that been buried by volcanic ash preserved?


What did mount saint helens look like after the eruption?

A large portion of one side of the mountain was blown away. Trees were blown down for miles, and much of the land was buried under volcanic ash.

Why should wood be preserved in the country?

Because trees are a naturaul rescource of oxygen. Therefore if there are no trees no life can be supported.

Do trees grow around volcanoes?

Yes, trees can grow around volcanoes because volcanic soil is often rich in nutrients that can support plant growth. However, the proximity to eruptions and volcanic activity can pose risks to the survival of trees in these areas. Some species of trees have adapted to grow in volcanic regions and can withstand extreme conditions.

What was volcanic activity like in the Pennsylvanian time period?

During the Pennsylvanian time period, there was significant volcanic activity that contributed to the formation of the various mountain ranges. Volcanoes were active, and eruptions of lava and ash occurred, shaping the landscape and depositing layers of igneous rocks. These volcanic activities played a role in the tectonic processes and the overall geological evolution of the Earth during that period.

What produces acorns which are buried in the ground by squirrels acorns that are still in the ground in the spring sprout into new trees?

Oak trees.

Are there trees in coal?

Yes... coal is made from trees that have been compressed for thousands of years, and buried under layers of mud.

Why plants fossils found in amber are not usually found in volcanics rocks?

Plants found in amber are typically preserved in resin from trees, which is a process that occurs in forests. Volcanic rocks are formed from magma and do not provide the same type of environment conducive to preserving plant material. Additionally, the high temperatures and pressures associated with volcanic activity would likely destroy any plant material before it could be preserved.

When does a body start decomposing in a buried coffin?

ACCORDING TO ISLAM , the dead person could hear every thing around his body, even when his / her body fetch to bury he/she could hear the shouting of his/her surroundings like shouting of the trees in that area.

What was coal millions of years ago before it was buried beneath mud and squished?

Plants; mostly trees.

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Why some people prefer to be buried?

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