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yes cemetery plots are considered property and can be bought and sold to pay debts

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Q: Are cemetery plots considered property that can be sold to pay for outstanding debts of a deceased parent?
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Yes, bank accounts are personal property.

If a property is owned by the daughter and the deceased mother is that considered the deceased estate?

The rights in the real property are a part of the estate. If the property was owned with rights of survivorship, the daughter may claim title without going through probate. Consult an attorney who does probate work in your jurisdiciton.

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No, taking property from a deceased family member without legal authorization is considered theft. The property of a deceased family member typically goes through the probate process to determine rightful heirs and distribute assets according to the deceased person's will or state law. If you believe there are disputes over the inheritance, it's best to seek legal advice.

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Yes. The only means to determine if there are no outstanding liens on a property is to have the title examined by a professional.Yes. The only means to determine if there are no outstanding liens on a property is to have the title examined by a professional.Yes. The only means to determine if there are no outstanding liens on a property is to have the title examined by a professional.Yes. The only means to determine if there are no outstanding liens on a property is to have the title examined by a professional.

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If you mean that you want to know of the mortgage was paid off you can check the property in the land records for any outstanding debt. Those records are public.

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That depends on several factors, the main one being the state probate laws, if there was a valid will, how the property is titled, and if the deceased had any outstanding debts.

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The estate is responsible to pay outstanding debt before being distributed to the heirs.

My cousin died gave me the car before he passed has an outstanding bal. on loan can i transfer the car to my name?

The estate of the deceased. * An exception in some cases, would be the surviving spouse when the couple resided in a community property state.

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The estate of the deceased is required to pay any and all taxes on property held by the estate.

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A deceased person could have their life estate property revised. It is best to seek the advice and assistance of a lawyer.

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As long as the couple did not reside in a community property state and the spouse was not a joint account holder the spouse is not responsible. However depending on the probate laws of the resident state, a portion of the deceased's estate may be used to pay outstanding debt(s).

Who protects a deceased person's property?

The executor of the estate.