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After death is a beneficary entitled to see a copy of a testamentary trust?

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Q: After death Is a beneficary entitled to see a copy of an irrevocable trust after death?
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How does the trustee of an irrevocable trust distribute to the beneficary who is now deceased?

it goes to the next of Kin or to the state as cherity

Does the trustee of a irrevocable trust have to notify all family members of what is left in the trust?

The beneficiaries are entitled to an accounting to make sure the trustee is not wasting the trust assets.

Can the legal guardian of children who have an irrevocable trust be entitled to any portion of the money each year?

No. Not unless that option is set forth in the trust. If not only the children are "entitled" to be paid. Any income from the trust must be used for their needs as set forth in the trust.

Can a trustee use the income from an irrevocable trust?

For personal use, only if they are the beneficiary. They are entitled to compensation for their work and to use funds for the benefit of the trust, but these are typically laid out in the trust itself.

How do you dissolve an irrevocable trust upon death of grantor?

An irrevocable trust cannot be dissolved upon the death of the grantor unless there are specific provisions in the trust document allowing for it. Generally, the terms of the trust dictate how the assets are distributed after the grantor's death. In some cases, a court may be able to modify or terminate an irrevocable trust in certain circumstances. Consulting with an attorney experienced in trust and estate law is recommended to explore your options.

Does a revocable trust become irrevocable upon death of grantor?

It depends upon how the trust is written. Generally, yes.

How can you tell if a trust is irrevocable?

Generally, an irrevocable trust is titled 'irrevocable' or is designated as such somewhere in the first few paragraphs.

Does a trust become irrevocable after the death of the maker of the trust?

Generally yes. When the maker has died it can no longer be revoked. The provisions in the trust document will control it.

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Can a testamentary trust be revocable?

No. A testamentary trust is irrevocable. The maker is deceased and cannot revoke it.No. A testamentary trust is irrevocable. The maker is deceased and cannot revoke it.No. A testamentary trust is irrevocable. The maker is deceased and cannot revoke it.No. A testamentary trust is irrevocable. The maker is deceased and cannot revoke it.

Can a irrevocable trust become revocable if the only trust document is a will?

Trust law is one of the most complex areas of law. It depends on the instrument that creates the trust. You need to discuss this question with an attorney who specializes in trust law. Generally a trust set forth in a will is revocable by the testator during her life and irrevocable after her death.