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Cleopatra didn't kill herself after Anthony killed himself she went to rome and married Julius Caeser.

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Q: After Anthony committed suicide how did Cleopatra take her own life?
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What event changed Cleopatras life?

Cleopatra's life was very hard and therefore i think she committed suicide

Who was the egyptaon queen who comited sewiside before christ?

Cleopatra was the Egyptian Queen who committed suicide. Cleopatra took her life after suffering a major defeat from Octavian's army.

What is the most memorable event in Cleopatra's life?

She ruled Egypt, and committed suicide rather than experience the humiliation of defeat.

Why did Cleopatra stab herself?

Cleopatra did not stab herself. She committed suicide by some type of poison. The reason for her suicide was that she could not face the humiliation of being paraded in Rome in Octavian's triumph and either being killed or living the rest of her life in disgrace.

How did Cleopatra die and how?

Cleopatra committed suicide. Just exactly how we don't know. It's suspected that she took a poison of some kind. There is a myth that she killed herself by being bitten by an asp (cobra), but this is just a story with no truth in it. There actually is some evidence. When they had finally caught Cleopatra, they let her go to the treasury to pay respects to Mark Anthony. They let her be. She was there with her two ladies in waiting. When the Romans came in, Cleopatra and one of the ladies in waiting was dead, one was dying. Killing people with snakes venom was a popular way to kill criminals in Alexandria. Asp venom wasnt normally what they used, but it would have appealed to Cleopatra, for it was the symbol of the royal family. She commited suicide. She would rather be dead than in the hands of the Romans, walking in a roman triumph (parade) and being jeered at , people laughing at her. Or become a slave, she would hate that.

What were 1 or 2 important events that happened in queen Cleopatra life?

One important event in Cleopatra's life was when she became queen and was made co-ruler with her then brother/husband, Ptolemy XIII. Certainly another important event was when she lost the country and committed suicide.

What caused conflict in Cleopatras life?

Cleopatra was about to become Alexanders slave so she did suicide (the suicide was being bitten by a Snake)

What is Cleopatra-like?

Cleopatra was a beautiful woman with many great achievements in her life and she was very loyal and respectful to every one whom she crossed paths with she was a loyal queen to her people for taking her life to protect people who she did not know but she was also to respectful of herself and her own life so she committed suicide before they had the chance to take her life she ruled from 51BC to 30BC and a great life indeed she did live.

What is Cleopatra like?

Cleopatra was a beautiful woman with many great achievements in her life and she was very loyal and respectful to every one whom she crossed paths with she was a loyal queen to her people for taking her life to protect people who she did not know but she was also to respectful of herself and her own life so she committed suicide before they had the chance to take her life she ruled from 51BC to 30BC and a great life indeed she did live.

Can someone collect on someone who has committed suicide?

No. Life insurance policies are usally voided in the case of suicide.

Who wrote Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was an Egyptian Queen who in 30 B.C. committed suicide with her lover Antony, following defeat. Her's is a story of life and death and many books have been written on her. The latest are Cleopatra - The Last Pharoah by Prudence J. Jones in English, and Cleopatre Au-Dela Du Mythe ( Cleopatra-Beyond The Myth) by Michel Chauveau in French.

What kind of life did Cleopatra live?

she lived a greeat life at first but as her brother went against and started a war with her it all hanged, at the end she commited suicide.