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Q: According to Aristotle the audience of a Greek tragedy feels pity for?
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How did Greek Philosopher Aristotle describe tragedy?

Greek philosophy describes tragedy as an "imitation of an action"

According to Aristotle in the arc of greek tragedy one effect of hamartia was to transform?

happiness into suffering.

What is According to Greek philosopher Aristotle dangers and conflicts the audience faced in a tragedy could be experienced from an emotionally remote standpoint as?

Aristotle believed that experiencing dangers and conflicts in a tragedy from an emotionally remote standpoint allowed the audience to gain a sense of catharsis, or emotional release. By distancing themselves from the intense emotions portrayed on stage, the audience could reflect on the themes and messages of the play more objectively.

According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle tragedies are effective at inspiring in the audience?

pity and fear

Aristotle identified as the moment in a Greek tragedy when the protagonist recognizes his or her role in bringing about suffering?

The term you are referring to is "anagnorisis," which is the moment of sudden understanding or realization that the protagonist has about their own fate or actions in a tragedy. It is a key element in classical Greek tragic plays and is often followed by a moment of catharsis for the character and the audience.

The ancient Greek philosopher originated the theory of?

Aristotle; tragedy

Aristotle referred to the flaw or error that brings about suffering for the protagonist of a Greek tragedy as what?

Aristotle referred to the flaw or error that brings about suffering for the protagonist of a Greek tragedy as "hamartia".

According to Aristotle in the arc of a Greek tragedy one effect of hamartia was to transform?

happiness into suffering good luck with

When a Greek tragedy is performed who experiences catharsis?

The audience

What is the audience supposed to undergo in Greek tragedy?


The most famous ancient Greek philosopher to write about the nature of tragedy was?


Which characteristic helped the audience identify with the hero of greek tragedy?

the hero was not perfect