Why is English important to English speakers? The two major reasons would be for communication and also as a way of preserving their cultural heritage.
Aboriginals used symbols to tell stories and represent feelings. The used it also to pass down the earliest stories of the culture, generation to generation.
the things that are related to our aboriginals and animals
Aboriginals don't have a written laguage.
A set of symbols that represents the sound of a language is called an alphabet or a phonetic alphabet. These symbols are used to transcribe speech into written form and allow for a standardized way to represent the sounds of a language.
Chinese symbols are to the Chinese language what letters of the alphabet are to the English language
The symbols are universal and the names are different in each language
Australian Aboriginal people don't have an official language and neither does Australia. For the languages of Australia, click here.
as a group,what are the basic visual symbols in the language of art called
The alphabet is a set of symbols that represents the sounds of a language.
There are no specific differences between the copy reading symbols of the English language and the Filipino language. These are symbols noted by a proofreader to improve the style and flow of a document.
A language and symbols together.
It is algebra.