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Because they can Because they think its fresh you feel me

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Q: Why do pimps wear purple?
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Why didn't a knight wear anything on his chest during battle?

Because they were pimps and didn't need armor

Why do pimps wear long hair?

Pimps wear there hair long because it is symbolic of being complete as a pimp because they have it all and all the women and even longer more beautiful hair then the women they pimp because the pimp has it all more than ya ' ll

Does justin bieber like to wear purple?

Yes Justin Bieber likes to wear purple. Justin likes to wear purple because that's because purple is his favorite color

What can you wear on peace day?

Dress as a hippie or wear purple. Purple is the color for peace.

What do you wear a purple jacket with?

Purple pants, obviously.

When was Sneaker Pimps created?

Sneaker Pimps was created in 1994.

How find pimps Karachi?

How to find pimps in Karachi ... Why is this in relationships

Can you wear black sportscoat with purple shirt?

Yes, you can wear the black sports coat with the purple shirt.

Are rajputs are real historical pimps?

yes theses rajputs are pimps

Did kings wear purple?

no,kings wear golden

Why are Super Bowl players wearing purple?

Well it depends on which team it is. If the team's colors are purple and yellow they wear that if they aren't purple most likely they wont wear purple....understand?

What does the color purple mean for crips?

Not all Crips wear purple, the only Crip set to wear the color purple are the Grape Street Watts Crips. The Grape Street Watts Crips wear the color purple because their street name is Grape Street & grapes are purple so therefore they wear purple and the traiditional color blue to show Crip affiliation.