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for fashion, its almost like saying why do people wear high heels. also because you look good in skinny jeans but not if you are chubby

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Q: Why do people wear skinny jeans?
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Why do skateboarders wear skinny jeans?

Because they are cool! And only the coolest people wear cool jeans!!! :)

What decade did people wear skinny jeans and leg warmers?

Leg Warmers i don't know but skinny jeans this year

Are skinny jeans for girls?

there are no rules as to who can wear what. both males and females can wear skinny jeans.

What did American people wear?

American people usually wear a cool t-shirt, and skinny jeans, or normal jeans. We also wear sneakers.

Do you have to be skinny to wear skinny jeans?

Of coarse not! skinny jeans is for everybody, I've seen chunky people wearing them, and very skinny people (like me) wearing them, and they look pretty good on anybody. SKINNY jeans are for EVERYONE! Just because you're not a size nothing or even a 3 or 4 doesn't mean you cant wear something you like. Don't get discouraged because you looking the mirror and something doesn't fit right. I'm sorry, but I feel that you do need to be super skinny to wear skinny jeans. Because fat people (like me) don't look good in skinny jeans. They make my butt appear rather large and in charge. I wear skinny jeans because its the style Anyone can wear them to me they look better on bigger people than skinny people I am too skinny and can never find a pair of skinny jeans to fit i have to shop in the childrens section and it sucks so bad! if i were you, I'd count myself lucky that to have a choice to wear them! By no means do you have to be 'super skinny' at all! I think they look good on curvy people and I admire curvy people who wear them

Are there any dangers of wearing skinny jeans?

Some people say yes, but to me, there is no problem wearing skinny jeans. I wear them all the time so its ok to wear them.

What should a guy wear with skinny jeans?

Another pair of skinny jeans

Do ray ray wear skinny jeans?

yes, he wears skinny jeans

Skinny jeans for boys?

yes boys can wear skinny jeans if their not fat

What kinds of clothes do people wear in the us?

thongs and bras, skinny jeans and tight shirts

If you wear skinny jeans a lot what are you?

if you wear skinny jeans a lot, you are awesome! no, this answer is an opinion of my own, but you are just a person who wears skinny jeans a lot, you should try to classify yourself by the style of the clothes you wear. [:

Can tall people wear skinny jeans?

Yeah, I do i am pretty tall for my age and I still wear them