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Though one may blame it on glasses or a respectably uninhibited display of intelligence, people call others nerds when said "nerds" act in a way that undermines social norms. Nerdy behaviour is usually characterized by obsessive behavior, inability to pick up on social cues, and lack of common sense or 'street smarts.' Generally a nerd is booksmart but socially inept.

Having to ask that question puts one in the 'nerd' category.

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because the dumb people are jealous

Are nerds always smart?

Nerds and smart people (aka "intellectuals" as respectable people call the, and nerds and geeks, as stereotypical society calls them.) are two completely different people. Webster's definition states that a nerd is an unattractive and socially inept person. A nerd can still be a nerd and have a 1.0 GPA or an F- average. For all of society to hear, SMART PEOPLE ARE NOT NERDS!

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No you nerds

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You call them nerds just say it!

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Not everyone hates nerds! Really people think nerds are people that are smart, is it not better to be clever, and get a good education that to be stupid and things? Ignore people that think nerds are freaks and things, its not true, you are the same as everyone else which is important! You dont need people who bring you down! :)

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Is being a nerd a bad thing?

No, nerds are generally seen as smart, if slightly out of touch with most other people (other nerds excluded). However, being a nerd WILL get you made fun of, if only out of jealousy. Remember Bill Gates' famous speech about High school, "Be nice to nerds, you might end up working for one."

How can you tell when people are nerds?

they are better than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do nerds act?

Nerds Are Just Smart People If Anyone Calls You A Nerd Be Happy So They Act Normal

Is warhammeer for nerds?

No. I do Warhammer and I originally thought that it was a nerds only thing. This however is a completely untrue stereotype. There are actually many girls who do warhammer, a few tradies, policemen and your regular people. Many fathers get their wives and eventually kids hooked in to it aswell. Saying Warhammer is for nerds is like saying that anyone who does any of the arts are nerds aswell. Warhammer is about sculpting, creative ideas, converting, landscaping, painting and strategy. You may think what you want, but is warhammer fans are nerds, than so are many, many other people.

What do nerds have to do with people?

Nerds are people who have a deep interest in intellectual activities, particularly those related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). They often have specialized knowledge in these areas and may exhibit intense passion for their interests. Overall, nerds are individuals who prioritize learning and exploring topics that are not necessarily mainstream or popular.

Who are tacky people?

nerds, dorks, and geeks. And people who were ugly clothes