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The Sioux depend on Buffalo for shelter, food, and clothes. They use buffalo hide (skin) to make their teepees and clothes

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Q: Why did the Sioux depend on buffalo?
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Related questions

What did Sioux Indians depend on for many of their needs?

they lived of the buffalo which was their main need.

What did the Sioux live in?

the Sioux lived in teepes made of buffalo skin.

What Internet search terms would return results for buffalo and Sioux but not New York?

+buffalo +Sioux -"New York"

How was the buffalo conducted for the Sioux tribe?

The buffalo was a main food source and all parts of the animal was used. Nothing was wasted. The Sioux also worshiped the buffalo and had celebrated it.

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How do the Sioux get food?

they hunted buffalo

What did the Sioux where?

the Sioux Indians wonen robes and buffalo skin over there bodies

What was the homes of the Sioux tribe made of?

The homes of the Sioux tribe were made out of buffalo hides.

What statements about the pre-columbian Sioux Indians is not valid?

The sioux hunted buffalo on horseback.

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Why did the Sioux admire the buffalo?

because they are pretty