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The Inuite used the sea as their primary food source and therefore they did not venture far from coastal areas. The Sioux became mobile to follow the migratory habits of the American Buffalo herds.

Differences in geography (according to PLATO)

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Q: Why did the Sioux and the inuit develop different ways of life?
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Why is the Inuit way of life changing?

The Inuit way of life is changing because of the changing weather patterns, which has forced the Inuit societies to reconsider their traditional lifestyles.

Why is inuit way of life changing?

The Inuit way of life is changing because of the changing weather patterns, which has forced the Inuit societies to reconsider their traditional lifestyles.

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Family life for a Sioux indian was ok. could be better but ok.

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The cast of Legends and Life of the Inuit - 1978 includes: Walter Massey Kelly Ricard

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Inuit houses a long time ago differed according to there region. If it was cooler most lived in igloos. But if it was hotter they used different materials but it was kind of the formation of the igloo just different material's.

What kind of life do the people in Canada have?

The question is too broad to answer. The life of an Inuit is quite different from the life of an average Vancouverite. Overall Canadians enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world.

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What are the inuit ceremonies?

The Inuit native tribe has many special ceremonies they celebrate during the life of a person. They can include celebrations of life, hunting, marriage, and death.

Which has not made a great difference in the inuit way of life?

Senior citizens bus passes in Croyden have had no impact on the Inuit.

What kind of chores did the Sioux children do?

What do you think? Probably, cooking and cleaning, hunting and learning how to make Sioux life work for the tribe.