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Clothing is functional. They keep us warm, and protect our body from outside sources. Clothing is also seen as important for the presentational purposes they have. They allow us to differentiate what roles a figure has in a society (police, firefighters, etc.). They are also good for appearance and individual expression. Clothing allows us to enhance our attractiveness, and allows us to look a certain way that we want to be seen as (classy, casual, stylish, edgy, laid-back, etc).

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Q: Why clothes is important to us?
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it different than

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Probably because we use our "bad" clothes for "dirty tasks." Its really about how we want people to perceive us. We want our good clothes for good occasions , so we wear our not so good clothes for less important ocassions. We just want to look nice and acceptable. LOL

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Clothes shopping is boring and it's not good for us and we shall never do it ever again.

What did US presidents wear in the eighteen hundreds?

clothes, they probably wore clothes

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Ah, it wasn't us that were made to wear clothes, it was the clothes that were made to be worn.

Why is washing of clothes is important?

Oh darling its not.

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