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Everyone has melanin pigmments in their skin. As long as you're not white as rice, anyone can tan. The black that you're talking about is just a really dark tan brought on by spending too much time in the sun.

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14y ago

But Inuits vitamin D intake wasn't dependent upon the sun. They get all that they need from their diet, heavy on types of fatty fish that are naturally rich in vitamin D. The plentiful amounts of the vitamin kept them from developing less melanin. In fact, before milk was fortified with D, people living outside of Northern Canada and Alaska loaded their diets with fishy products, such as cod liver oil, to get their daily supplement. So despite their chilly climate and lack of sun exposure, it's the Inuit diet that has kept them in their natural glow.

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14y ago

Because they have a special pigment in their skin that helps them tan because the snow is white which reflects light.

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