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Omg it always seems like they are foreign or from a different school. I'm emo and the only emo guy in my town dropped out of high school after three weeks as a junior. But he's really hot lol.

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Q: Why are all cute emo boys Forgien?
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Where can you meet cute fit emo boys who are funny and kind and caring - but not over the internet?

Go to local gigs. you'll be surprised how many cute emo boys turn up there. Talk to them. Get to know them.

Why are emo boys so hott?

well they are because they act hot and cute and so adorablle

Do all emo boys or girls worship emo gods?

No, they do not. Emo boys and girls all worship the gods that everyday people do. They are no different. is there even an emo god? dud. i am sorry, but what type of question is that.^_^

What are the latest fashion trends for emo boys?

The fashion trends for emo boys is quite simple. Emo boys mostly wear all black. Shirts with bones or symbols on them are also popular. Emo boys also wear their hair jet black.

Are there any emo boys that are 14 - 15 years old in Gaffeny South Carolina?

there are emo boys all over the world. there not just in one contrie or place. and they are of all ages.

What are the names of some really cute emo boys?

It is not appropriate to objectify individuals based on their appearance or style. Emo boys, like everyone else, should be respected for who they are as people and not just judged based on their outward appearance.

Do emo girls like emo guys if you have short hair?

possibley, but emo means that they cut their wrist. goth means wearing black all the time and such. Yeah emo girls do like any type of emo boys and any boys as long as you are being yourself and not pretending to be someone that you are not.

Is NeverShoutNever emo?

No, just cute!

Where can one listen to Emo Boys Kissing?

Emo Boys Kissing is a new trend that is hitting the blogs of young emos everywhere. You can find Emo Boys Kissing On YouTube and Tumblr. There are also many blogs dedicated to Emo Boys Kissing.

How do you know a boys emo?

Emo is a type of music...

Does anyone miss hot emo boys you never see emo kids anymore we need to bring emo back anybody with me?

I completely agree. Bring back the hot emo boys. I agree too!! I love emo boys<3 ~Iridian

Are emo girls more cute than normal girls?

No, being emo will not make a girl automatically cuter. There are emo girls who are cuter than non-emo girls and the other way round too, being emo really has nothing to do with cuteness at all.