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Sacajawea (or Sacagawea) was born c. 1788. in an Agaidiku tribe of the Lemhi Shoshone in Idaho. In 1800, when she was about twelve, she and several other girls were kidnapped by a group of Hidatsa warriors during a battle. At about thirteen years of age, Sacagawea was taken as a wife by Toussaint Charbonneau, a French trapper living in the village, who had also taken another young Shoshone named Otter Woman as a wife. Lewis and Clark would winter at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, where they met her. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 when she and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau, joined the Lewis and Clark party on November 4, 1804. She became invaluable as a guide in the region of her birth, near the Three Forks of the Missouri, and as a interpreter between the expedition and her tribe when the expedition reached that area. She would give birth during the expedition to Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau on February 11, 1805, whom Clark later raised and educated. She also quieted the fears of other Native Americans, for no war party traveled with a woman and a small baby. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. After the expedition, William Clark offered Toussaint and Sacajawea a place in St. Louis and a proper education for Jean-Baptiste (at a time where there was no opportunity for Native Americans to receive an education). Toussaint then took a job with the Missouri Fur Company, and stayed at Fort Manuel Lisa in present-day North Dakota. Evidence suggests that Sacagawea died at the fort in 1812. Some Native American oral traditions relate that rather than dying in 1812, Sacagawea left her husband Toussaint Charbonneau, crossed the Great Plains and married into a Comanche tribe, then returned to the Shoshone in Wyoming where she died in 1884. After her death, Toussaint signed over complete custody of his son Jean-Baptiste and his daughter Lisette over to William Clark.

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Q: Who was the Native American guide of the Corps of Discovery?
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What was sacagaweas role in the corps of discovery?

She act as translator and guide.

Who helped Lewis and clark on their journey?

Lewis and Clark were helped by a Native American woman named Sacagawea who acted as an interpreter and guide, as well as several members of the Corps of Discovery expedition team. They also received assistance from various Native American tribes along their journey.

What was Sacajawea's role in the Corps of Discovery?

Along with her French trapper husband, she acted as a translator and guide. There was also an important cutural aspect to her place in the expedition. The group of explorers, if travelling with a woman, would be less likely to be considered a war party by the Native American tribes.

What was Sacajawea's role in the corps discovery?

Along with her French trapper husband, she acted as a translator and guide. There was also an important cutural aspect to her place in the expedition. The group of explorers, if travelling with a woman, would be less likely to be considered a war party by the Native American tribes.

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Zebulon Pike was the guide.

Who helped the corps of discovery by guiding them through the land of the Shoshones?

Zebulon Pike was the guide.

Who explored with Lewis and Clark?

Lewis and Clark were joined by a group of about 30 people, known as the Corps of Discovery, which included soldiers, interpreters, and boatmen. Notable members of the expedition included Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman who served as a guide and interpreter, and William Clark's slave, York. The expedition was also assisted by various Native American tribes along the way, such as the Mandan and Nez Perce.

Who helped Lewis and Clark explore?

Lewis and Clark were helped by a team of skilled explorers, including Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman who played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide, along with members of various Native American tribes they encountered along their journey. Additionally, they were supported by the Corps of Discovery, a group of soldiers and craftsmen who assisted in navigating and documenting their expedition.

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Did Sacagawea help the pioneers?

Not directly. Sacagawea was the Native American guide for Lewis and Clark.

Who was the Indian guide for the corps of discovery?

Sacagawea. An Indian girl born into the Shoshone tribe. At age 9 she was kidnapped by the Mandan Indians. She then married 43 Charbonneau who already had 2 other wives. On February 11th when Sacagawea was only 16 gave birth to a baby bot who she called Jean Baptiste, but the Corps Of Discovery called him Pomp meaning firstborn.

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Stop tring to cheat on your native american study guide