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the clan mothers

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Q: Who picked council members for the Hodenosaunee clans?
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Any halo 3 clans looking for members?

Beg for members somewhere else : no advertising

Can we choose how many members to take to war on Clash of Clans?


What is a grand council?

A grand council is an executive council which holds a large amount of power in its respective governmental system, and often assists a governor or chief executive. In the case of the Iroquois, the Iroquois Grand Council is an assembly of fifty chiefs representing all the clans of all its member nations. Formerly they met yearly to resolve disputes between clans and to plan how to best protect its member nations and their people's welfare.

How were Native American clans important?

Clans were important to the Native Americans as a part of the extended family. When a person was born of a certain clan, they were able to identify with other members of that clan.

Are there any mw3 ps3 quickscoping clans?

more than planty go to and you can sign up as free agent and be picked up by a clan.

How many members do you need to start a clan war on Clash of Clans?

You need either ten or fifteen members, depending on the size of war you wish to have.

How were clans important to Bedouin life?

Clans were crucial to Bedouin life as they provided a strong sense of identity, support, and protection. Clans functioned as extended families, with members sharing common ancestry and territorial rights. They offered mutual aid in times of need, organized social and economic activities, and provided a system of justice and conflict resolution. Clans also played a central role in maintaining and defending the honor and reputation of their members.

Do you search clans on Clash of Clans?

You go to the general clans page from the clan castle, then press search clans

The Taira and what clans were the two greatest warrior clans in Japan?

In real life the Taira and the Minamoto clans were the two strongest clans of the 4. The other two were the Tachibana clans and the Fujiwara clans.

What do clans eat?

clan's don't have a specific food to eat but for non-members for level 40+ clans most likely will eat lobsters they are cheaper than swordfish and heal 12 hp, for members well its your decision but i would suggest that a member eat monkfish for level 50+ they are almost the same price(or lower)as swordfish and they heal 16 hp.

What does patricians do mean ancient Rome?

The patricians were the aristocracy of ancient Rome. The name is derived from the term pater familias (father of the family/head of the household) and from the creation of the senate by Romulus, Rome's founder and first king. Romulus created a council of elders (senate is derived from senex, the Latin for old man) to act as the royal advisory body. He selected 100 pater familias from the leading clans of Rome at the time to seat in the senate. The members of these clans then called themselves patres (plural of pater) a term which implied that they were the fathers of the city.

The Taira and what clan were the two greatest warrior clans in Japan?

In real life the Taira and the Minamoto clans were the two strongest clans of the 4. The other two were the Tachibana clans and the Fujiwara clans.