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Q: Who made the decision for the Sioux tribes?
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What language did the Sioux tribes peak?


What relationship the Sioux tribe have?

Sioux is not the name of a tribe - it refers to a large number of related tribes speaking dialects of the same language. The westernmost Sioux were the Lakotas or Tetons, made up of the Oglala, Minneconjou, Two Kettle, No Bow, Hunkpapa and Blackfoot Sioux tribes. Clearly they each had their own distinct relationships, as did the central and eastern Sioux tribes. You need to be more specific.

Who were the Sioux tribe?

The Sioux was the name given to any tribe which spoke a form of the Siouan language. The Sioux made up about 1/4th of all tribes in North America. The main nations among the Sioux were the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota, Saponi, and Catawba. Among each of these nations were many tribes.

What do the Sioux tribes eat?

the sioux eat the same food as me and you

What are the sub tribes of the lakota Sioux?

There are seven sub-tribes, each made up of seven bands, since the number seven was sacred among the Sioux tribes:OglalaMinneconjouTwo KettleHunkpapaSans Arc (No Bows)Blackfoot SiouxBrule

What tribes are still active?

The tribes that are still active are the Sioux Tribe. The other tribes are not that active. But the Sioux tribe is the most active tribe out of all of them.

What does the inside of the Sioux tipi look like?

It is made out of buffalo and it is a circle which Indians tribes sit in

What tribes lived in tepees?

Sioux !!

What was Sioux tribes habitat?

it is a desert

What were the Sioux tribes occupations?


Why did Sioux fight with other tribes?

Because they wanted the land the Indians had so they attaked them for it and made them move

Did the Sioux Indians make masks?

The Sioux Indians did make masks. Many Native American tribes made masks. There were different types of masks for different purposes.