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the that were build by the Cherokee were build by Cherokee is the stine and the RL Stine

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Q: Who constructed the Cherokee homes?
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Did Cherokee have permanent homes?

yes they did live in pimanent homes

Is there Cherokee summer homes and winter homes?

Yes. In the winter the Cherokee llived in small dome shaped homes called an asi. In the summer the Cherokee live in a big square/rectanglish home from my research is called a wickeup.

Were the Cherokee tribe homes big?

That is a matter of interpretation. Cherokee homes were on average, both then and now, the same size of the homes used by Europeans; in olden times homes were much smaller as a general rule.

How many detached homes are constructed?

In 1998, 1.03 million detached homes were constructed, accounting for more than 90 percent of the single-family market.

What kinds of homes are constructed by the single-family housing construction industry?

Two broad categories of homes are constructed or assembled on-site by the industry--attached and detached.

What homes did Cherokee's live in?

they live in igloos

Who constructed the Paiute tribe's homes?

The tribe constructed their own teepees . They were a plains tribe so used tepees for shelter.

What are homes in desert made of?

I live in a desert and my home is made of bricks. There are also homes here constructed of adobe or wood.

Was the Cherokees homes permanent or easily moved?

The Cherokee homes were permanent because they lived in wig wams and longhouses.

What Cherokee Indians houses were made of?

Many Eastern Cherokee Native Americans were skilled craftsmen/tradesmen, like builders and brick/stone masons. Hopefully those skills continued when the Eastern tribes were forced to relocate West (1820's - 1840's) While many homes were simple wooden structures, prior to the tragic Trail of Tears more and more homes were being constructed of bricks and stones. The Cherokee Nation was the first Native American Tribe to have its own written language, with the alphabet being developed by Sequoya who died in the early to mid 1840's I think.

What was the names of the Cherokee Indians homes?

Tepees made out of animal skin.

What happened to the Cherokee tribes?

They had got forced a way from their homes.