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Lenardo de venci , michael angelo , shakes peare , copernicus , colombus , galileo , gutenberg

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Q: Who are the people famous in the Renaisance period?
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Was Michelangelo Italian?

Of cource he was he was one of the most famous Italian renaisance artist in the Renaisance.

Why are they called the middle ages?

Because it was a period between the decline of rome and renaisance.

What were some famous individuals of the rennaisance?

Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, RaphaelSanzio, Michaelangelo Buonarotti. Are all famous Renaisance artists turned Ninja Turtles.

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Who are the famous people in the Victorian period?

Charles dickens

How did the people in the renaissance feel about Medieval time?

The people in the renaisance were tired of the views and the ideas of the medieval time, and thought the medieval people had a pessimistic view on things.

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Christopher Columbus Music History of Renaisance

Who were the famous people of this period and why were they famous?

Justin Bieber On Youtube - basically, though, discovered and promoted by another famous person!

What ended the Harlem Renaissance?

the fact that people realized that they can actually do something with their lives and all the white people hating on the blacks is what really ended the Harlem renaisance

What does renaisance mean?

the reanaicence means re-birth

What is important about the romantic time period?

everything. It has all the old and famous people in it