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Q: Who are the casual users?
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Who answer's the questins in wikianswer?

Anybody - from casual visitors to regular users.

How many Facebook users are in russia?

In 2014, the number of social network users in Russia is expected to be 65.5 million. It's just a casual statics report carried out with some social surveys.

Which brand of headphones prduces the clearest sound?

KOSS headphones are considered the clearest sounding headphones on the market and are populare with audiophiles and casual users.

Do you have to be a nerd to use a computer?

Our world is moving towards a stage where everyone from kids to seniors use computers. They range from casual to power users. The casual users may just use it for surfing the web, typing up documents and doing spreadsheets and things along those lines whereas power users may use it for "nerdier" purposes such as graphics design, programming and other such things. Long story made short, no you don't have to be a nerd to use a computer at all.

How do you pronounce aeropostale?

Aeropostale prefers the French pronunciation : air-oh-po-STAHL Casual users of American English may pronounce it : AIR-oh-po-stull

What is the comparative and superlative of casual?

more casual, most casual

What is the UniformDating UK website geared to?

The UniformDating UK website is geared towards exclusive dating for singles in uniform. It is a niche website that is specifically aimed at users looking for more casual dating.

Casual in a sentence?

They are in a casual relationship, it's not serious. I decided to dress casual on Friday.

What is the opposite of casual?

The opposite of casual is formal.

What is the best console out of Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360?

This is a personal question. Nintendo Wii is for the more casual users and more family based. Xbox 360 is family based too but its more for hardcore gamers.

Where can one make their network private?

One can set up their private network using many different methods. One method is to place a WEP on one's network, to at least prevent casual users from entering.

What is Roles in database environment?

The different five type of roles one can employ in a database environment these are: 1 - Data Administrator 2 - Database Administrator 3 - Database designer 4 - System Analyst/Application Programmer 5 - End users i.e Casual, Naive, Sophisticated and stand alone end users.