

Who are kayasthas?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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8y ago

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Kayastha (also referred to as Kayasth or Kayeth) is a caste or community of Hindus originating in India. Kayasthas are considered to be members of the scribe caste, and have traditionally acted as keepers of public records and accounts, writers, and administrators of the state. Kayasthas have historically occupied the highest government offices, serving as ministers and advisors during early medieval Indian kingdoms and the Mughal Empire, and holding important administrative positions during the British Raj. In modern times, Kayasthas have attained success in politics, as well as in the arts and various professional fields

उत्तर भारत अम्बष्ट, अस्थाना, अधोलिया, बाल्मिकी, श्रीवास्तव, खरे, सक्सेना, माथुर, निगम, सूरध्वज, गौंड, भटनागर, कुलश्रेष्ट, कर्ण हैं | दक्षिण भारत मुदलियार, नायडू, पिल्ले, नायर, राज, मेनन, रमन, राव, करनाम, लाल, काणिक, रेड्डी, प्रसाद |

राजस्थान गुप्त, नन्द, शर्मन, फुत्तु, भावेकदानवास, माथुर | बंगाल सेन, कार, पालित, चंद्र, साहा, भद्रधर, नंदी, घोष, मल्लिक, मुंशी, डे, पाल, रे ( राय ) गुहा, वेध, नाग, सोम, सिन्हा, रक्षित, अकुर, नंदन, नाथ, विश्वास,सरकार, चौधरी, बर्मन, भावा, गुप्त, मृत्युंजय, दत्ता, कुंडु, मित्र, धर, शर्मन, भद्र, बोस | महाराष्ट्र पठारे, चंद्रसेनी, प्रभु, चित्रे, मथरे, ठाकरे, देशपांडे, करोड़े, दोदे, तम्हणे, सुले, राजे, शागले, मोहिते, तुगारे, फडसे, आप्टे, रणदिये, गड़कारी, कुलकणी, श्राफ, वेध, जयवत, समर्थ, दलवी, देशमुख, मौकासी, चिटणवीस, कोटनिस, कारखनो, फरणीस, दिघे, धारकर, प्रधान | गुजरात चंद्रसेनी, प्रभु, मेहता, बल्लभी, बाल्मिकी, सूरध्वज | उडीसा पटनायक, पाटस्कर, कानूनगो, मोहन्ती, वाहीयार | आसम बरुआ, चक्रवर्ती, पुरुकायस्थ, वेध, चौधरी | सिन्ध आलिभ, फाजिल, कामिल, अडवानी | नेपाल श्रेष्ठ, वैध, चक्रवर्ती, सिन्हा | पंजाब राय, बक्शी, दत्त, सिन्हा, बोस |

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Oma O'Reilly

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7y ago

Kayastha (also referred to as Kayasth or Kayeth) is a caste or community of Hindus originating in India. Kayasthas are considered to be members of the scribe caste, and have traditionally acted as keepers of public records and accounts, writers, and administrators of the state. Kayasthas have historically occupied the highest government offices, serving as ministers and advisors during early medieval Indian kingdoms and the Mughal Empire, and holding important administrative positions during the British Raj. In modern times, Kayasthas have attained success in politics, as well as in the arts and various professional fields

उत्तर भारत अम्बष्ट, अस्थाना, अधोलिया, बाल्मिकी, श्रीवास्तव, खरे, सक्सेना, माथुर, निगम, सूरध्वज, गौंड, भटनागर, कुलश्रेष्ट, कर्ण हैं | दक्षिण भारत मुदलियार, नायडू, पिल्ले, नायर, राज, मेनन, रमन, राव, करनाम, लाल, काणिक, रेड्डी, प्रसाद |

राजस्थान गुप्त, नन्द, शर्मन, फुत्तु, भावेकदानवास, माथुर | बंगाल सेन, कार, पालित, चंद्र, साहा, भद्रधर, नंदी, घोष, मल्लिक, मुंशी, डे, पाल, रे ( राय ) गुहा, वेध, नाग, सोम, सिन्हा, रक्षित, अकुर, नंदन, नाथ, विश्वास,सरकार, चौधरी, बर्मन, भावा, गुप्त, मृत्युंजय, दत्ता, कुंडु, मित्र, धर, शर्मन, भद्र, बोस | महाराष्ट्र पठारे, चंद्रसेनी, प्रभु, चित्रे, मथरे, ठाकरे, देशपांडे, करोड़े, दोदे, तम्हणे, सुले, राजे, शागले, मोहिते, तुगारे, फडसे, आप्टे, रणदिये, गड़कारी, कुलकणी, श्राफ, वेध, जयवत, समर्थ, दलवी, देशमुख, मौकासी, चिटणवीस, कोटनिस, कारखनो, फरणीस, दिघे, धारकर, प्रधान | गुजरात चंद्रसेनी, प्रभु, मेहता, बल्लभी, बाल्मिकी, सूरध्वज | उडीसा पटनायक, पाटस्कर, कानूनगो, मोहन्ती, वाहीयार | आसम बरुआ, चक्रवर्ती, पुरुकायस्थ, वेध, चौधरी | सिन्ध आलिभ, फाजिल, कामिल, अडवानी | नेपाल श्रेष्ठ, वैध, चक्रवर्ती, सिन्हा | पंजाब राय, बक्शी, दत्त, सिन्हा, बोस |

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In the traditional Indian caste system, Baidyas are considered higher in the hierarchy compared to Kayasthas. Baidyas are classified as Vaishya (merchant) while Kayasthas are classified as Shudra (worker), based on their historical occupations. However, it's important to note that the caste system is an outdated social structure and not relevant in modern society.

Are Hore Bengali?

Yes..they are generally of East Bengal origin and by caste are kayasthas

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Yes, Bhatnagar belongs to General Caste. They are considered to be the part of upper section in Hindu Caste system. Bhatnagars are Kayasthas. As per the ancient texts Kayasthas have a dual caste system, they are Brahmins as well as Kshatriyas.

Is kayastha comes after bramhins?

Kayasthas have a dual Brahmin/ Kshatriya status. Source:

What is the gotra of srivastava?

In Hindu Society, "gotra" means Clan and it broadly refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor."Shrivastava" (also spelled Srivastava) is a common surname in found in Northern India, notably among the "Kayasthas"."Kayasthas" are a is a cast or community of Hindus.Thus the "gotra of Shrivastava" are a Clan of Hindus form Northern India, similar to the "Metcalfe's" of England.There is only gotra for all Srivastavas (Shrivastavas) and that is Kashyap. Infact all the kayasthas belong to the same gotra Kashyap.

Is rajput much good caste than kayastha?

If by "good" you mean higher than the answer is NO, kayasthas are a Higher and a literate and educated class of Kshatriyas, unlike rajputs who are "warrior Kshatrias" anyhow most kayasthas were Ministers and Advisers to Rajput kings owing to their antiquity as the educated gentry among Indian Castes.

Which category belongs to kayasth caste?

In Bengal: In the time of Lakhsman Sen, he had to ban the then brambhins-Chatterjee, Banerjee, Bhattacharjee due to their ill tendency to take "Utkoch" from people for rising them from lower caste to higher caste. Then few brambhins came from Mithila with some servant-Ghosh, Bose, Mitra & Dutta. Those servants r Kayastha and they r belonging to Sudra as per Manu.

Is the surname 'Bose' used by scheduled caste of Bengal?

No , Bose are amongst 'Kulin Kayasthas' or the highest category of Kayasthas. Kayasthas are the upper most caste along with Brahmins and Baidyas in Bengal . There are only 4 Kulin kayastha surnames Bose , Mitra , Ghosh and Guha , although Ghosh surname is also used by some people from the Sadgope or yadava caste.

What is the caste of bengali surname shome?

The surname "Shome" is commonly associated with the Kayastha caste in Bengal. Kayasthas are known for their administrative and clerical roles.

Is bhatnagar caste belong to bhrahmin?

Bhatnagars are Kayasthas. As per the ancient texts Kayasthas have a dual caste system, they are Brahmins as well as Kshatriyas. Bhatnagars are mainly found in Northern India (Delhi, UP, Rajasthan and in parts of Haryana and Punjab.)